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No matter how you cut it, the SUV has become an integral part of the American auto scene. They’re everywhere today and they come in all shapes and sizes; from full-size SUVs that clearly share the DNA of the hardworking American pickup truck to compact crossovers that blur the line between SUVs and passenger cars. There’s something for every need in this category. Moreover, there’s something for every budget. If you’re in the market for a new sport utility vehicle and don’t want to break the bank, you’ll find plenty of affordable SUV options out there. Below, we’ll cover some of the most affordable SUVs choices available to you.
The Toyota 4Runner is yet another SUV that’s been around for a very long time. The 2015 model starts at $32,000, so it’s at the outside of what you might term “affordable”. With that being said, it’s definitely worth a look. Delivering 17 mpg in the city and 22 mpg on the highway, the 4Runner is powered by a V6 engine, and offers lots of interior space. The on-road handling is good, and off-road performance is excellent.
Priced at $30,000 for the base model, the 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee is one of the most popular mid-sized SUVs out there. It doesn’t deliver wonderful fuel economy, but you’ll find that the Jeep’s 17 mpg in town and 25 mpg on the highway won’t break the bank. What really sets it apart is the comfort and ride quality combined with its serious off-road capabilities, which are all too often mutually exclusive.
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Ford has a slew of SUVs, but the Edge is one of the more affordable. Starting at $27,000 or so, it offers 20 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the highway. There are also lots of upgrades available for a bit more money upfront, and you’ll still benefit from excellent handling and ample power to handle whatever the road throws at you.
We can’t complete this list without mentioning the original SUV – the Jeep Wrangler. While the 2015 model has evolved from its ancestor by a considerable margin, its heritage is obvious. The base model will set you back about $23,000 or so, and you can expect to see 17 mpg in town and 21 mpg on the highway. While those numbers aren’t that high, the Wrangler’s off-road performance and sheer capabilities make them tolerable.
The Xterra has been with us for some time, and it’s remained both popular and affordable. The 2015 model runs around $25,000 for the base model, and offers 16 mpg in the city and 22 mpg in highway driving. Those numbers are lower than some competitors, but pretty standard for the class as a whole. One of the best things about the Xterra is its off-road capabilities, although it’s pretty poised on the blacktop, too. The only engine option on offer is a V6, and there are several nods to modern technology in the cabin, including a USB port and a rearview camera (optional equipment).
Available in 2015 as a 2016 model, the Outlander is priced at $23,000 for the base model. It also offers 25 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway, which aren’t bad numbers even for a compact SUV. It might not be as sporty as some options on the market, but the Outlander manages to deliver in terms of comfort and an available third row seat. Note that there’s also an optional V6 engine available if you prefer a little more performance at the cost of some fuel economy.
The Patriot has seen a light redesign for 2015, and with a base price of $17,000, it’s certainly not that expensive. It can also deliver 23 mpg in the city and 30 mpg on the highway. There are also two engine options (both 4-cylinders), and several upgrade packages on offer. With that being said, there are tradeoffs here. The Patriot doesn’t have the power, interior space or handling offered by some competitors with a slightly higher price tag.
These are just a few of the many affordable SUVs available on the market today. A little research will show you plenty of others, including some full-size SUVs that cost less than what you might expect. However, remember that “affordable” shouldn’t mean “cheap”. Look for good build quality, the handling you require, and enough interior space to meet your needs.
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