6 Different Types of Motorcycles: Which One Is Best for You?

A long time ago, all street motorcycles were very similar to each other. Sure, the European bikes were a little different from the Japanese motorcycles. But taken as a whole, motorcycles didn’t vary much in basic design, riding position and the like. Now there’s a bunch of different motorcycle types.

Let’s have a look at the different types of motorcycles, and maybe you can decide which one is best for you.



Standard motorcycles are sometimes called “naked street bikes.” The main attractiveness of a standard is that it does many things well enough. Face it, compared to bikes of the 1960s, today’s standards are much more powerful, a lot faster, handle better and have super brakes.

Want to commute on a standard? No problem, because it doesn’t weigh too much to handle in slow city traffic. Taking the bike on a long vacation? Sure, just throw on some soft-sided luggage and you are set. Going to take it on a track day? OK again, just remove or tape over some breakable tidbits like lights and lenses and you are good to go have some fun, and plenty fast at that.

So if you’re relatively new to motorcycles, a standard bike is a good motorcycle for beginners. It is a sensible choice, but don’t tell your friends that. Tell them instead how fast it is or how economical it is on gas mileage. Describe it as anything but sensible.

Sport Bike

Types of motorcycles include the sports bike

Even though the legal speed limit almost anywhere in the world is a fraction of what these bikes are capable of, some people need to know they have one of the fastest motorcycles. Consider it like a Rolex watch. You don’t need it but it’s nice to have.

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Excess is the word. To buy a car capable of reaching 186 mph, the typical governed top speed of some sport bikes, would cost you a bundle of money. A little short of cash at the moment? No problem. For less than $20,000 you can have a bike that will go faster than almost any reasonable person would care to ride.

Your new sport bike will have a lot of slick looking plastic streamlining on it, which is very expensive to replace after an accident.

As for a sport bike, the riding position is horrible for long trips. You practically lay down on the bike, resting your weight on your wrists. But it looks cool. Back aches? Count on it. That’s why you see sport bikers leaning one elbow on their gas tank as they ride, coping with the back pain. But, remember, the bike is really fast.

Sport Touring

OK, I agree, maybe a sport bike is too narrowly purposed for you. Besides, you don’t want a bike to race at the track. But you still would like to acquire something that is smooth, powerful, wickedly fast, but comfortable enough to ride on long vacations. Enter the category called Sport Touring.


These types of motorcycles have a combination of excess speed with comfort, with matching luggage, Bluetooth and cruise control. Very popular today. But then, so is the standard category. Just saying.

Adventure Touring

There is nothing like leaving a nice, smooth paved highway and exploring a dirt road to nowhere. Your sport bike would not do well on dirt, and your standard, no matter how sensible it is, does not have enough suspension travel to even out the bumps on a dirt road.

The adventure touring bikes are purposed for off-road use as well as for the ride back on the highway. Adventure touring is a big segment of bikes these days. You owe it to yourself to check it out, especially if you have a touch of the explorer’s spirit.


Yes, there were cruisers in the 1960s, typically the big Harley Davidsons. That’s what police departments
bought for their patrol officers. Now every continent has at least one manufacturer that makes cruiser motorcycles. And, yes, you do see them in parades.

Don’t even think about taking your cruiser off road. How will you pick up 700 pounds, or more, if it falls over on the dirt? Want to use it as a commuter? Either get used to wrestling that bulk around at slow speeds, or buy a smaller version of the cruiser. You will find many junior-sized cruisers to choose from.


These make too much sense to leave out. Sort of like a hybrid that only runs on gas, scooters have become very popular for use as commuters.

No, you are not going to race it. It won’t even break 100 mph,  but who cares. It’s no good on dirt either, and they would be boring in parades. But the larger versions are good for day trips on the highway. Give them a second look.

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